Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Now that it is Tuesday, I thought I would ramble about our weekend! The boys had three baseball practices between the two of them. JC was still a little run down from camp last week. We have summer-like weather all weekend with temps in the mid-to-high 80s. DH worked on a new frame for our new bed. We are still shopping for a mattress, but have one more store to check out this week. Trying to compare prices. My niece went to a bat mitzvah and I had to go curl her hair because her mom was out of town. It was fun....something I won't ever get to do with two boys!

The boys both had Ohio Achievement Tests Monday, so we had to cut the weekend a bit short Sunday night to get them in bed early. Why test on a Monday is beyond me?? I subbed Monday and wished I hadn't. This darn walking boot kills my back, and the foot swelled like a balloon again. I need to step up the icing on a more regular basis. I go to my chiropractor Thursday, so that will help the back. I go back to the Ortho surgeon on Monday, I am dreading what he is going to say when he sees that it is still swollen!

Rainy week ahead. Our opening day for Little League is Saturday, so I am up to my ears in uniform issues. Hoping the weather hold out, we have a big opening day festival planned and my nieces Confirmation is Saturday. We may head to Kings Island on Sunday....I may need a wheel chair!

1 comment:

nikko said...

Our state tests are today. Monday is an odd day to test!

Hope your foot feels 100% soon.