Wednesday, March 25, 2009


My dad is doing well. They have him walking a bit and sitting up in a chair. They were a bit negligent taking care of a would on his leg from a skin graft, and that was painful once they figured it out. He is getting a bit antsy, but is healing well.

I, on the other hand, took a spill yesterday. It was so graceful, I missed the last step coming off our porch. We were taking the boys to the park. Daddy still took them after I was sent up on the couch with ice. I had x-rays today, and the doctor could not believe that it is not broken. With the amount of swelling, pain, and sensitivity, he feels there must be some tendon/ligament damage. So, I have to see a specialist on Friday and will go from there. All of this, and today is DH's 40th! Uggh! At least I got his cake baked last's not frosted, but at least it's baked. I sent him to work so at least he could get his goodies there!

1 comment:

Susie Q said...

Klutz! You sound like me! I was taking our kids to the park and caught my sneaker in the step...went down 3 steps...did you know that hardwood floor actually MEANS hardwood? Who would've thought. I didn't get casted, but about 8 weeks on crutches. They thought I had a hairline fracture, but it turned out it was an OLD hairline, healed fracture! I did have arnica to take and oh Lord, I HURT for 3 days from the bruises and sound thumping from the fall. And, to add insult to injury, they had to cut my very favorite jeans off me. At least they apologized......glad it's almost over for you...

(great, my verification word is PERGO--okay, so it's a FAKE hardwood floor ;D