Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday, Friday, Friday!

It has been quite a week. DH worked late just about every night, but the warm temps earlier in the week were a welcomed change. With the time change and 70 degree temps, the boys were able to play outside after school and after dinner. This of course made getting homework done more of a chore. I think that is the only thing I like about winter, the don't go out after dinner, so it is a calmer evening for homework, showers, and bedtime.

I have quite a freelance list to work through, but did manage to finish the test items that were due today. I only subbed three days this week, so that always helps me get more freelance done. On top of my to-do list is tracking down two more managers for my division, our draft is supposed to be Monday....we'll see if anyone steps up.

JC turns 12 Sunday, and is having a few friends over to spend the night Saturday. He is saving his b-day money to buy an iTouch. I don't feel he needs one, so if he wants it, he will need to pay for it himself! I can not believe he is going to be 12.

My dad's surgery is Tuesday, so I will probably drive to Cleveland that afternoon. It will involve an overnight stay, because the surgery probably won't be over until 9 or so that evening. I need to call my dad and aunt to find out exactly where to track them down once I get up there. I know University Hospital is a huge place.

Gratitude list for today:

1. The sun is shining.
2. It's Friday!
3. Today is pay day
4. Our taxes are done and we are getting a pretty decent refund.
5. We got a great rate on our refinance this week...will save us tons of $$ in the long run!

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