Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Why...Why....Why are people messing with me today?

I am so tired of dealing with incompetence....well, more like stupidity!

First, the church calls me yesterday saying that they have a propane leak and don't know if we will have heat. I went to their board meeting last night and insisted that they get someone out to fix it....luckily we had enough heat today to have school.

The fog here was horrible this morning, could not see the mailbox in front of the house or our neighbor's barn....our measuring sticks that it is bad. Plus is was a freezing fog so the road and sidewalks were covered with ice. Do you think we had a delay this morning....NO! Our bus driver was looking at me like "I can't believe I am driving this bus in these conditions..." Yeah, just what I want as my children slip down the walk to board her bus! My SIL called from school (she is subbing) and said buses were over an hour late and kids were sliding under the bus from the ice. Tons fell in the parking lot too. They make dumb decisions and close/delay when it isn't necessary and then don't when the conditions are horrible!

Then, to top the morning of my parents came in this morning yelling at me because I did not call her and tell her we were having our Valentine's party today.....Well, I didn't call ANYONE and they all figured it out. PLUS....I told everyone last week that if school was canceled on our party day we would have it on our next day of school. Geesh, is it too much to ask that you listen and retain information for more than 20 minutes. (No wonder her child is my most difficult one!)

Okay....I'm done. Just had to get that off my chest....maybe I will go exercise instead of hitting the bottle!! LOL!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Friday ramblings!

We have finally recovered from our snow/ice storm from earlier in the week. Still cold as heck, I think it only got to about 15 today, but it is winter! Another storm is coming and they think we will get another 2-3" tonight, not too bad though. The boys went out to play today and had fun despite the frigid temps. Now it seems JM has a bit of a fever, so will keep an eye on that...he has a b-ball game tomorrow, so we'll see!

The idiots that I work for are at it again. They sent me a rush job last week....that initially was to have been given to me the end of January. I worked my tail off to finish two days early and they screwed something up. Now it has to be redone.....all of it...all 6 grades! Uggh! Since it was their mistake, I will get paid for the rework, but I was literally just pulling out my scrapbooking supplies to work on my Cedar Point album when the e-mail came frustrating. We need the $$ so that is the silver lining! I am hoping to finish by the end of the weekend....once they figure out what it is I am actually supposed to do......then we'll see!

Do you ever get tired of dealing with stupidity?? I sure do!

Monday, February 12, 2007

White Death is heading our way!

I just can't handle winter here in Ohio. They have been talking about this darn storm since the weekend. It is barely in the state and everyone is just carrying on like the world is going to come to an end if we get 8 inches of snow. Now, the newest is ice....and okay, my world may briefly become a very miserable place if we get ice...flashback to December 2004. An ice storm knocked out our power for 5 days....and it was during Christmas. The most miserable week ever, and my worst Christmas ever!

So, if we lose power, things could get ugly! If we lose power, we have no water and that is the worse part. No flushing of the toilet unless you manually fill the tank, no water for washing, brushing your's like camping in your house! So it will either be 8-12 inches of snow, or 6 inches of snow topped with a few inches of ice.....praying for the snow!

We will see what tomorrow brings!

Friday, February 9, 2007

Lost another preschool day today!

I am so fed up with that darn building. The heat had been running I think all week, set at 70 and the thermostat read 54 this morning. (It read that yesterday when I went in too) My thermostat though read only 49. I turned the heaters off and left, called my co-teacher and had her call parents. We now have two days to make up. We are off next Friday and Monday and I know the parents are calling for us to make up days then, but I want to just wait until it is warmer so I know we can open. The lows next week are still going to be in the single digits, so why drive everyone crazy with the heat thing. I know they just want their kids ot of the house...I totally know how they are kids were too home three days this week! But, this is a major stress for me to go in, try and heat things up, DH wants to go in at night and add insulation....I really don't get paid enough to go in on my days off and deal with this.

So, that is the update from Central Ohio....where it is the coming of the second Ice Age!

The only silver lining is I got a huge freelance job last night that is on a ridiculous deadline, so at least I can work on that this morning before heading to volunteer in Jacob's class this afternoon!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Is it only Thursday?

Man, these days off are just brutal to the schedule! The boys were off Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. They should have probably been on delay this morning seeing that it was as cold and the previous three days....but at least they were out of the house! I had to close preschool of course Monday and Wednesday, and am not holding out any hope that we can open tomorrow! I went in today and although the heat was set at 70, it was a whopping 54 in there! Geesh! These folks need to get that darn thing fixed, I can't imagine what their propane bill is going to be!

I have enjoyed not having any freelance for a week, actually got my 2006 scrapbook finished! I am working on adding our summer 06 pics to my Cedar Point album now. Got a few pages done this week, but then freelance came a calling.

They have had this gosh darn job since January 30th and are just giving it to me is due the 15th. 6 grades worth of correlations in 6 days....yeah....right! Not gonna happen! I am not killing myself, staying up all hours, just because someone dropped the ball along the way! Not sure if anyone is listening at this point, but that is just the way it's going to be! People just stress me out sometimes. I have another job and, oh yeah, a family! Oiy!

Monday, February 5, 2007

Bone chilling cold

It has hit rock bottom here in Central Ohio. Below zero temps and -20 wind chills. The boys were off today and I suspect they will be again tomorrow. JM was not happy school was canceled, but JC was thrilled! When I told them to be prepared to be off again tomorrow, JM cried because that meant he would miss gym! And I thought it was because he loved school so much!

I only hope the schools decide before I go to sense getting up if I don't need that too much to ask. I think they are all waiting for the Big Kahuna (Columbus Public) to close! Then they all fall like dominoes! At least there is already no preschool scheduled for tomorrow, so I don't have to bother with that until Wednesday. We are now at our 3 days and will have to make up days after today....yeah!!