Friday, February 9, 2007

Lost another preschool day today!

I am so fed up with that darn building. The heat had been running I think all week, set at 70 and the thermostat read 54 this morning. (It read that yesterday when I went in too) My thermostat though read only 49. I turned the heaters off and left, called my co-teacher and had her call parents. We now have two days to make up. We are off next Friday and Monday and I know the parents are calling for us to make up days then, but I want to just wait until it is warmer so I know we can open. The lows next week are still going to be in the single digits, so why drive everyone crazy with the heat thing. I know they just want their kids ot of the house...I totally know how they are kids were too home three days this week! But, this is a major stress for me to go in, try and heat things up, DH wants to go in at night and add insulation....I really don't get paid enough to go in on my days off and deal with this.

So, that is the update from Central Ohio....where it is the coming of the second Ice Age!

The only silver lining is I got a huge freelance job last night that is on a ridiculous deadline, so at least I can work on that this morning before heading to volunteer in Jacob's class this afternoon!


nikko said...

Yikes. I would start complaining to the church about it. I can't imagine that they want their preschool to fold because the building won't stay heated! Maybe it needs a new furnace or something??? So sorry that you have to deal with it. What a PAIN!

mars2boys said...

Unfortunately this church isn't too invested in our preschool. We pretty much use their facalities free of charge....they have never given us a whole lot of support otherwise. We are in search of another home and have one church that we really hope will take us in!