Friday, August 22, 2008

Two More Days of Summer Break!

I am excited and bummed all at the same time! I feel like there were a few more things we could have squeezed in, but we did do a lot this summer. The boys are getting bored and I think need the time away from each other...this house gets small at the end of a long summer.

We had a great summer at Cedar Point, JM hit the 54" mark and now can ride everything in the park, so that makes our visits even more fun since we can now stay together all day. JC did 6 weeks of fitness camp and worked really hard at it. I think he is stronger and can run much better as a result. It is getting so if you don't get your kids some outside sports training outside of the season, they fall behind others. Gets pretty pricey though.

JC is so excited for middle school. He had orientation and nailed his locker combination immediately. He is thrilled with the freedom he will have, the locker, and changing classes. JM got the teacher he wanted, although she will be leaving for maternity leave in December and that always causes some anxious moments. I was pregnant with JC when I was teaching so I know how it works, and I also know that the sub has to be really good to take over and do things the same way as the teacher does. Our building has permanent subs and they usually are the ones who take these long term positions, so they are very familiar with school policy and such. He had a maternity leave sub in first grade and managed well. Third grade is a lot of work at our school, so he is in for a tough year!

Bring it on!

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