Saturday, August 23, 2008

Last Fling of Summer

The orthodontist that JC goes to holds a big pool party the last weekend before school starts every summer. He rents out the local pool after closing and there is free pizza, snacks, ice cream, and drinks. The kids swam from 7:30-10:00 straight. Like a bad mom, I didn't bring the camera. They had a blast though and passed out as soon as they hit the pillow.

Of course, I am now up working...I am so bummed the USA basketball Olympic game is on at 2:30 AM. What the heck. I am taping it and am avoiding the TV, internet, and radio until I can watch it in the morning. The boys turn on Sports Center first thing upon wakening, so they have been warned not to spoil it for me!

Tomorrow is a school night and JC is ready as ever....JM...not so much. JC gets picked up at 6:55 for middle school and JM at 8:22. It will be so much calmer getting one ready at a time!

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