Thursday, March 29, 2007

It's a bad 8:00!

I knew the hardest part of taking over as Director of the Preschool was going to be dealing with parents. I have had my fair share of trouble parents this year, and another joined that list this morning, before 8 am.

First off, I don't mind parents calling me at home, but not at 7:45 in the morning.

So, background first. Our preschool schedule normally follows the school calendar of the district our school is in. Not all of our kids are from that district, but that is just how they have done it. Well, my boys are in a different district and when I was hired, one of the deal breakers was that we now follow my boys' schedule so that when they were off, so was the preschool. So, with Spring Break coming up, my boys are off next week and the other district is off the following week. This dates was in the handbook and has been in our newsletters the last two months.

So, this mom calls me this morning, asking when our Spring Break was? Hello, do you read the newsletter and handbook? She was iirate that her preschooler was not off the same week as her school-aged kids. Like this was a lightning bolt of information that I just let loose on her. I explained why it was done this way, and she yells at me that preschool decisions should not be made based on my children. Well honey, I am in charge, I don't make squat, so that was the one thing the board could give me in compensation. I will never apologize for choosing to spend time with my kids over work.

I am really thinking I can't do this job long term, just too much stress for not enough money!

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