Saturday, April 12, 2008

Blizzard of 08

We asked for it....yes we did. We spent most of the winter being jealous of our family in Boston..."Hey why to they get all of the snow and we get rain?" Yes...we asked for it.

It was fun though (of course, I didn't have to shovel.....I (for SOME strange reason don't own a pair of snow pants...go figure). Luckily our neighbor own a tractor and came over to plow us out of our driveway. I'm told it is hard to shovel over stones! The boys had a blast. They built a hill with their cousins over the back steps of the deck and had a blast sledding. They even used their skateboard ramp and the end for some added airtime. It melted pretty quickly and they only got 2 days off of school out of it, but it was fun. I think the final snow total was around 18". By far the most we have seen in Central Ohio in a very long time. Pics are giving me issues...will have to try later!

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