Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Now that it is Tuesday, I thought I would ramble about our weekend! The boys had three baseball practices between the two of them. JC was still a little run down from camp last week. We have summer-like weather all weekend with temps in the mid-to-high 80s. DH worked on a new frame for our new bed. We are still shopping for a mattress, but have one more store to check out this week. Trying to compare prices. My niece went to a bat mitzvah and I had to go curl her hair because her mom was out of town. It was fun....something I won't ever get to do with two boys!

The boys both had Ohio Achievement Tests Monday, so we had to cut the weekend a bit short Sunday night to get them in bed early. Why test on a Monday is beyond me?? I subbed Monday and wished I hadn't. This darn walking boot kills my back, and the foot swelled like a balloon again. I need to step up the icing on a more regular basis. I go to my chiropractor Thursday, so that will help the back. I go back to the Ortho surgeon on Monday, I am dreading what he is going to say when he sees that it is still swollen!

Rainy week ahead. Our opening day for Little League is Saturday, so I am up to my ears in uniform issues. Hoping the weather hold out, we have a big opening day festival planned and my nieces Confirmation is Saturday. We may head to Kings Island on Sunday....I may need a wheel chair!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rain and Pain!

It is such a crummy day, after the beautiful weather we had on Saturday. The boys had baseball on Saturday and DH got a lot of yard work done, he also worked on the tractor....the grass is growing fast. Wish we could afford a new one this summer. He puts so much time into keep that darn thing running. He did say this would be the last summer for it thought, it is rusting through! Can't wait to smell that freshly cut grass.

JC left today for camp; each middle school team goes for three days. He is going to have such horrible weather, cool and wet every day. But, I don't think he minds much. I tried to be sure he had enough dry socks at least, nothing worse than wet feet. He has some great kids in his cabin, most of whom he has played baseball or basketball with. They will have fun despite the rain. I was a bit worried sending him off, this is really the first time he has gone somewhere for a few days where I can not reach him! His best bud went last week and had a few tips for him! He seemed to enjoy himself.

JM came home from school a little excited he gets to be an only child for a few days! I told him I would take him to dinner tomorrow; I'm sure we'll be at Bob Evan's.

The foot is still sore, especially when I am on it. Trying to stay off it, but it is hard when I can finally walk a bit. This rain doesn't help my overall pain! I am subbing one day this week and one next week, so that will be a good test. Looking forward to the high 70s we are supposed to get by week's end.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gratitude List

A rare midweek gratitude list, usually the week gets away from me and I forget to post this!

1. The sun is finally shining.
2. The cast is gone.
3. The Indians are playing an afternoon game.
4. I actually put some clothes away in the boys room today.
5. I paid bills and still have money left.....Yeah!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter 09

We had a really nice Easter. The boys were up a little early, but not too bad! We had to leave for Mass by 8:30, so we had to be up early anyway. Mass was packed, and DH got the last spot in the main lot. Luckily the in-laws beat us there, because the main floor of church filled up fast, and there was no way I was hauling my butt up to the balcony!

The cousin's had so much fun together. They played most of the day in the basement; we could hear them singing with their Wii music and karaoke machine! The Partridge Family we are not! It was a little chilly for their scavenger hunt, but the didn't care. We even wrote a clue on the bottom of my cast, should have fun explaining that when it comes off tomorrow. It was tough getting back up for school yesterday, and the boys are still a bit tired. This gray, rainy weather doesn't help much!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

It's about 1:45 am, so Easter has officially arrived. I have been having such a rough time sleeping the last few night; I just can't get comfortable with this cast. it itches like crazy. Part of the problem too is I can't do much physically during the day, so I'm not as tired I guess. Although today, I was up a lot, baking and getting things ready for Easter Sunday. So frustrating.

So, in my sleepy state, pardon my ramblings. I am worried about my SIL and her little bun in the oven. They had an ultrasound last week and found out it was a boy. My brother is thrilled. Going with Mason James as a name. They have to go back next week for another one because they are worried about the baby's size. Not sure why, she was so off, that there is no way they could pinpoint a due date exactly. But, she is still smoking, as is my brother. That has such a link to low birth weight, that it worries me a lot. Not sure why her doctor or her family isn't doing more to get her to quit. After my brother watching what my dad has gone through, I don't know how he can continue to smoke. Losing a voice box not enough of a deterrent for you??? Uggh!

I finally got my mom to quit last week, the her idiot of a husband pulled another one of his stunts, stressed her out, and now she is back at it. I think she may try again though, JM was really on her and she does not want to disappoint him. Just the expense of it is enough that she should quit.

Easter tomorrow should be pretty laid back. My SIL is hosting again, and there is always lots of yummy food! The boys are excited to see their cousins. JM has been counting down the days since early March, he loves doing the scavenger hunt. We worked on it yesterday, and it will be a tough one!

Going to go use my awake time more wisely and do some writing. Lots of articles due by the end of the month!

Happy Easter!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday Gratitude List

It's Friday, the kids are off school and my cast comes off in 5 days! I keep having dreams (no, nightmares) that they take the cast off, take one look at it and say "Gee, that needs to be in a cast for another few weeks!" Hopefully I can get into the walking boot and get rid of these crutches. The boys (and DH) have been great, DH does all of the laundry and cleaning, and most of the cooking. The boys have pitched in with putting clothes away and waiting on mom. They went with me to the grocery store today and JM had to haul all of the groceries into the house by himself! You should see my get around the store in my old-lady motorized cart....nice! They do all have a better appreciation of what it takes to keep this house running smoothly! Luckily, Easter is at my SIL's house here in town, we only need to make a dessert.

Gratitude list for the day:

1. JC got all A's on his report card.
2. 5 more days of crutches.
3. DH may get off early today.
4. JM has a friend coming over and JC is at a friend's house...they deserve a little fun.
5. My mom is having a better week....last week was horrible!