• No news about my dad lately. I THINK they ran their own tests in Cleveland on Friday and I THINK they did exploratory surgery today to see if there was anything they could do for him. One would THINK that since I am his daughter they could return my calls so that I actually KNOW what the heck it going on!
• My mom is finally in a better place. Not sure how long it will last, but for today, I'll take it.
• I have been sick for a week and can not get rid of this cold. It has migrated from my head to my chest and now is affecting my asthma, never a good thing. I am avoiding going to the doctor as long as possible!
• I have been subbing a lot which is good the the bank account, just not good for the aforementioned cold! I was approached to cover a maternity leave for the last month of the school year and decided to take it. It is a rather crazy second grade class, but we'll be fine. I have had them the last three days, and will have them several times before the leave. I'll have them whipped into shape in no time!
• I haven't shared a pic in awhile (because my posting is so erratic!)......so here are a few pics of the boys from December when we went to an Ohio State bball game. They got to go on the floor to shoot lay-ups and then got an autograph from Evan Turner. It was a fun night!