Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Life in the Crazy Lane!

Life has been a little nuts the last month....I know, what's new?

We just learned that my mother has cancer. She had some pre-cancerous tissue removed in the same area about 6 years ago. It is considered a "high-risk" cancer...what ever that means. So, she goes next week for a pre-surgical appointment and hopefully they can get her in soon for surgery. She is in a lot of pain and discomfort. Luckily, my dad is recovering well from his cancer surgery. He is working on talking again and is even out riding his bike. Get one better, and one falls apart...geesh!

My brother's wife went into pre-term labor last week. The little bugger was about 5 weeks early, so that was little scary. They transported her to Toledo to give birth because the hospital where they live was not a high enough level NICU. He is doing remarkably well for being so early and was home in two days. Can't wait to see him! JM is glad he is no longer the youngest.

It has been 18 weeks since I hurt my foot and it is still not 100%. I am done with PT, but still have a lack of strength and stability and pain. So, the doc is looking at some surgery to clear out what he thinks is scar tissue causing the pain. We'll see. He THINKS it is from scar tissue...can't you do a scan of some sort and know for sure before poking around in my foot and sending me back to PT...umm, I think so!

This is our first week without baseball since April 8th! It has been nice.....of course the boys are out playing catch with dad as I type. They love their baseball. Evals for fall ball and tryouts for Spring travel are next week, so the break is short lived. JM is not sure he is trying out for travel...I think the tryouts are too close to the end of the season and he is a bit burned out. He loved playing, but when he looks at tryouts already he gets a little apprehensive.

So, such is life! Crazy, busy, and full of surprises!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Summer Vacation, So Far, So Good

Our summer has gotten off to a fast and furious start. School was over on a Friday and we headed out camping that Sunday. We went to Kentucky near Mammoth Cave with my Sister-in-law and her gang. The kids took the tent, and DH and I stayed in the camper (I hate tent camping!) We had great weather and the campground was great. Bathrooms and showers were super clean and the kids loved the pool. We had to drag JM out of it each day. There was a little mini-golf course and activities for the kids. They went down to watch movies most evenings and played hide and seek another night. I had to miss the trip to Mammoth Cave because of my darn foot. Way too much walking. I am at 12 weeks and still swollen and bruised. My physical therapist highly recommended I avoid the cave....figured he didn't want to seem some story on the news of me being rescued!

Between baseball, JC's fitness camp and volunteering at the library, I am back to my job as taxi driver. If only it paid as well as when I was subbing! I think I made three trips out so far today just to tote JC around town. Tonight he has convinced me to go watch playoff baseball games for his league...his team finished in first and earned a bye. JM's team won their first playoff game last night 16-11. He was 2 for 3 with two doubles. Fun stuff! They even got to play under the lights.

We are excited to see all of the cousins in a few weeks. Always a good time when we get together. Our theme for the cousin's party this year is a "50s-60's Bash". We are going to watch a "drive in" movie and the kids are all going to make cardboard cars to attach to their chairs. Should be a good time...hopefully the weather will cooperate.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It Happened Again.....

I came home from subbing yesterday to find a Sheriff's car in front of my house and DH home.....2 hours early. Someone broke into our house AGAIN (2nd time in 15 months) and my oldest was the one to come home and find it. The bastards tried to kick in both doors (which DH reinforced after the last break-in). When that didn't work, they ripped the sliding screen door off our bedroom french door. When that failed, they threw a damn rock through our kitchen window. We think there were two, and one got a cut from the glass (HA HA) and bled on one of our new King size pillows. They took two entire drawers from one of my dressers....not just the contents, the whole damn drawer. Duh! They took a pillowcase....just dump the contents please. (Can you tell I'm a little pissed!) We had been saving change to help buy JC the mini-motorcycle he wants for his birthday. We had rolled about $100 in coins over the weekend....gone. I am still racking my brain to remember what all was in the drawers. The tried to take the Playstation, but left it. The alarm must have rushed them enough.

I am so angry that JC had to go through that. I found it the first time and know how much it freaked me out. I hate not feeling safe in my own home. He will no longer be coming home from school by himself, which also ticks me off. He enjoyed the responsibility, but I just can't do it. They left a lot behind, and I am afraid they will come back. DH had to replace both doors, although they didn't get in that way, they were damaged. The window is on order. Not sure what the insurance will do about the dresser...we really need to replace the whole thing. They did have a lead for a guy who cut his arm and was in the ER....he had no explanation of how it got there...DUH...make up a excuse idiot! Not sure what good it will do. I'm sure they released him, and if his blood is a match to what they found, what will they do. Issue a warrant and hope they run into him. Oh, and the detective that came was a jerk...hello, a little sympathy and consideration please.

To top it off, our well pump died Friday and was $1300 to replace. I give up at this point!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Preview of Great New Book

Most of "us" are too old for this....but I am sending out a fun challenge (for our kiddos!) I was sent a copy of "The Double-Daring Book for Girls" to help with promotion. I need to throw out a challenge from the book....so (from page 120) how many jumps can your kiddos do on a pogo stick. For those of us in the 35+ crowd, don't hurt yourselves....but feel free to give it a try! Let me know how many you get in!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Weekend of fun!

It rained like the dickens Friday....one strong storm after another. And, I was not surprised because Saturday was opening day for baseball. It always rains for opening day. The wonderful gentlemen on our board, with the help of some coaches, got out there at 6 am and worked the fields. Most games were pushed back an hour, but we got all of the games in. The boys both won and played well. JC got to catch for three innings and was thrilled. He loves to catch....it makes mom nervous! We had a wonderful Opening Day celebration with lots of free fun. The boys all went, I had to be at church for my niece's Confirmation. I was proud to be her sponsor. It was a beautiful service and we had a nice dinner afterwards. (even though we didn't eat until almost 8:00!)

JC was not himself Saturday, not eating.....cold, and he did have a fever. But, he felt okay and made it through the busy day. He is home today, mostly sleeping! We hit Kings Island Sunday with my nieces and the in-laws. There was a 50% chance of rain, but it worked out. The weather was perfect. We rode the new coaster and loved it. I rode around in a wheel chair, but even the walking while in line was enough! We actually ran into some family from up in Sandusky....we never even see them up at Cedar Point! We were quite surprised.

I head back to the surgeon today for my foot. It is still quite swollen, so we'll see what he says. I start subbing tomorrow and will be working until the first week of June. I hope the foot holds out. Working full-time will be an interesting adjustment!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Now that it is Tuesday, I thought I would ramble about our weekend! The boys had three baseball practices between the two of them. JC was still a little run down from camp last week. We have summer-like weather all weekend with temps in the mid-to-high 80s. DH worked on a new frame for our new bed. We are still shopping for a mattress, but have one more store to check out this week. Trying to compare prices. My niece went to a bat mitzvah and I had to go curl her hair because her mom was out of town. It was fun....something I won't ever get to do with two boys!

The boys both had Ohio Achievement Tests Monday, so we had to cut the weekend a bit short Sunday night to get them in bed early. Why test on a Monday is beyond me?? I subbed Monday and wished I hadn't. This darn walking boot kills my back, and the foot swelled like a balloon again. I need to step up the icing on a more regular basis. I go to my chiropractor Thursday, so that will help the back. I go back to the Ortho surgeon on Monday, I am dreading what he is going to say when he sees that it is still swollen!

Rainy week ahead. Our opening day for Little League is Saturday, so I am up to my ears in uniform issues. Hoping the weather hold out, we have a big opening day festival planned and my nieces Confirmation is Saturday. We may head to Kings Island on Sunday....I may need a wheel chair!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rain and Pain!

It is such a crummy day, after the beautiful weather we had on Saturday. The boys had baseball on Saturday and DH got a lot of yard work done, he also worked on the tractor....the grass is growing fast. Wish we could afford a new one this summer. He puts so much time into keep that darn thing running. He did say this would be the last summer for it thought, it is rusting through! Can't wait to smell that freshly cut grass.

JC left today for camp; each middle school team goes for three days. He is going to have such horrible weather, cool and wet every day. But, I don't think he minds much. I tried to be sure he had enough dry socks at least, nothing worse than wet feet. He has some great kids in his cabin, most of whom he has played baseball or basketball with. They will have fun despite the rain. I was a bit worried sending him off, this is really the first time he has gone somewhere for a few days where I can not reach him! His best bud went last week and had a few tips for him! He seemed to enjoy himself.

JM came home from school a little excited he gets to be an only child for a few days! I told him I would take him to dinner tomorrow; I'm sure we'll be at Bob Evan's.

The foot is still sore, especially when I am on it. Trying to stay off it, but it is hard when I can finally walk a bit. This rain doesn't help my overall pain! I am subbing one day this week and one next week, so that will be a good test. Looking forward to the high 70s we are supposed to get by week's end.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gratitude List

A rare midweek gratitude list, usually the week gets away from me and I forget to post this!

1. The sun is finally shining.
2. The cast is gone.
3. The Indians are playing an afternoon game.
4. I actually put some clothes away in the boys room today.
5. I paid bills and still have money left.....Yeah!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter 09

We had a really nice Easter. The boys were up a little early, but not too bad! We had to leave for Mass by 8:30, so we had to be up early anyway. Mass was packed, and DH got the last spot in the main lot. Luckily the in-laws beat us there, because the main floor of church filled up fast, and there was no way I was hauling my butt up to the balcony!

The cousin's had so much fun together. They played most of the day in the basement; we could hear them singing with their Wii music and karaoke machine! The Partridge Family we are not! It was a little chilly for their scavenger hunt, but the didn't care. We even wrote a clue on the bottom of my cast, should have fun explaining that when it comes off tomorrow. It was tough getting back up for school yesterday, and the boys are still a bit tired. This gray, rainy weather doesn't help much!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

It's about 1:45 am, so Easter has officially arrived. I have been having such a rough time sleeping the last few night; I just can't get comfortable with this cast. it itches like crazy. Part of the problem too is I can't do much physically during the day, so I'm not as tired I guess. Although today, I was up a lot, baking and getting things ready for Easter Sunday. So frustrating.

So, in my sleepy state, pardon my ramblings. I am worried about my SIL and her little bun in the oven. They had an ultrasound last week and found out it was a boy. My brother is thrilled. Going with Mason James as a name. They have to go back next week for another one because they are worried about the baby's size. Not sure why, she was so off, that there is no way they could pinpoint a due date exactly. But, she is still smoking, as is my brother. That has such a link to low birth weight, that it worries me a lot. Not sure why her doctor or her family isn't doing more to get her to quit. After my brother watching what my dad has gone through, I don't know how he can continue to smoke. Losing a voice box not enough of a deterrent for you??? Uggh!

I finally got my mom to quit last week, the her idiot of a husband pulled another one of his stunts, stressed her out, and now she is back at it. I think she may try again though, JM was really on her and she does not want to disappoint him. Just the expense of it is enough that she should quit.

Easter tomorrow should be pretty laid back. My SIL is hosting again, and there is always lots of yummy food! The boys are excited to see their cousins. JM has been counting down the days since early March, he loves doing the scavenger hunt. We worked on it yesterday, and it will be a tough one!

Going to go use my awake time more wisely and do some writing. Lots of articles due by the end of the month!

Happy Easter!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday Gratitude List

It's Friday, the kids are off school and my cast comes off in 5 days! I keep having dreams (no, nightmares) that they take the cast off, take one look at it and say "Gee, that needs to be in a cast for another few weeks!" Hopefully I can get into the walking boot and get rid of these crutches. The boys (and DH) have been great, DH does all of the laundry and cleaning, and most of the cooking. The boys have pitched in with putting clothes away and waiting on mom. They went with me to the grocery store today and JM had to haul all of the groceries into the house by himself! You should see my get around the store in my old-lady motorized cart....nice! They do all have a better appreciation of what it takes to keep this house running smoothly! Luckily, Easter is at my SIL's house here in town, we only need to make a dessert.

Gratitude list for the day:

1. JC got all A's on his report card.
2. 5 more days of crutches.
3. DH may get off early today.
4. JM has a friend coming over and JC is at a friend's house...they deserve a little fun.
5. My mom is having a better week....last week was horrible!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

In desperate need of a gratitude list....

The boys are on spring break, all of JM's friends are out of town, and I am bogged down with a nice, red cast (actually, I call it Scarlet!). We were supposed to go to Castaway Bay in Sandusky for a few days, but that is just too much water, moisture, and work for mom when she is on crutches. So, we are kind of hanging around, laying low. The boys are getting a bit bored. DH is taking a day off to take them bowling or something, and we may try and get to the movies. Not quite the break we had planned, but at least the mornings are slow and quiet. It is after 1:00 and they are still in their pajamas, which they love.

Gratitude list for today:

1. I only have to wear the cast for three week, not six!
2. It is going to be pretty warm this week.
3. My mom is working on quitting smoking.
4. I may have picked up two additional clients.
5. DH's job situation is improving.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


My dad is doing well. They have him walking a bit and sitting up in a chair. They were a bit negligent taking care of a would on his leg from a skin graft, and that was painful once they figured it out. He is getting a bit antsy, but is healing well.

I, on the other hand, took a spill yesterday. It was so graceful, I missed the last step coming off our porch. We were taking the boys to the park. Daddy still took them after I was sent up on the couch with ice. I had x-rays today, and the doctor could not believe that it is not broken. With the amount of swelling, pain, and sensitivity, he feels there must be some tendon/ligament damage. So, I have to see a specialist on Friday and will go from there. All of this, and today is DH's 40th! Uggh! At least I got his cake baked last night....it's not frosted, but at least it's baked. I sent him to work so at least he could get his goodies there!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dad's Surgery is Today

He went under around 7am and it should take upwards of 14 hours. Two teams, the one removing the cancer and then a team of plastic surgeons to repair afterwards. He is in Cleveland; my poor grandmother is a mess. She is a feisty old Italian, strait from Sicily. She was giving the surgeons the ole "You better take good care of my Bobby!" I teased that she probably threatened some old Sicilian curse. Say a prayer!

Gratitude for today:

1. My kids are doing well in school.
2. DH still has a job.
3. The sun is shining again today.
4. Work is remaining consistent.
5. My dad has a great team of doctors working on him today.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday, Friday, Friday!

It has been quite a week. DH worked late just about every night, but the warm temps earlier in the week were a welcomed change. With the time change and 70 degree temps, the boys were able to play outside after school and after dinner. This of course made getting homework done more of a chore. I think that is the only thing I like about winter, the don't go out after dinner, so it is a calmer evening for homework, showers, and bedtime.

I have quite a freelance list to work through, but did manage to finish the test items that were due today. I only subbed three days this week, so that always helps me get more freelance done. On top of my to-do list is tracking down two more managers for my division, our draft is supposed to be Monday....we'll see if anyone steps up.

JC turns 12 Sunday, and is having a few friends over to spend the night Saturday. He is saving his b-day money to buy an iTouch. I don't feel he needs one, so if he wants it, he will need to pay for it himself! I can not believe he is going to be 12.

My dad's surgery is Tuesday, so I will probably drive to Cleveland that afternoon. It will involve an overnight stay, because the surgery probably won't be over until 9 or so that evening. I need to call my dad and aunt to find out exactly where to track them down once I get up there. I know University Hospital is a huge place.

Gratitude list for today:

1. The sun is shining.
2. It's Friday!
3. Today is pay day
4. Our taxes are done and we are getting a pretty decent refund.
5. We got a great rate on our refinance this week...will save us tons of $$ in the long run!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Saturday Insanity!

It has been such a hectic day....although I think I wouldn't want it any other way. Our day was consumed with sports, friends, and family, and a near record high temperature. Not too bad I guess.

9-12 am: JM had a baseball clinic
11 am: JC played his last bball game (they got creamed!)
12: DH picked JM from camp and I grabbed a quick lunch
12:30: I headed to the coaches clinic for baseball
1:00: DH takes JC to watch his best bud play in (and win) the basketball championship game
2:00: I bail early from the baseball clinic to pick JC up from the basketball game.
2:30: home to work on the computer until about 3:45
3:45: Drop JM off at his coaches house for their end of the year basketball party
4:00: The rest of us head off to my sister-in-laws for dinner and a little down time
6:30: pick up aforementioned best bud for a sleep over
7:00: pick JM up from his basketball party
7:30: home for more work, showers, and a rowdy nerf gun fight.

It is now 10:15 and the boys are all playing PS2. I almost forgot about the time change, so technically it is 11:15. I'm not sure the boys will buy that logic, but they will need to hit the hay soon. We hit 77 here in Central Ohio today, although we didn't get to enjoy it much with all the running. I love the warm temps, but this will sure make it much harder to accept the next 30 degree day!

My back pain is still bothering me, and I am not sure what to do next.

Gratitude list for the day:

1. JC and his best bud have been friends since preschool and I love the fact that they are still so close. They have not been in the same class together since they were 4, and even survived him moving out of state for a year or so. They are just two peas in a pod and when they are together, they just act like themselves! Love it!
2. It is officially baseball season.
3. We refinanced our mortgage and learned it will save us over $50,000 over the rest of the life of the loan....Yeah!
4. It is still going to be near 70 tomorrow.
5. The time change gives us more time to play outside after dinner!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

At least the sun is shining...

I have been slacking in posting my gratitude lists, I am keeping it up mentally though! It seems like time is just a blur these days. Saturday was blitzed with three basketball games. My oldest won his game on the last foul shot of the game....I was so proud of him. Sunday....not sure what happened to Sunday. I went grocery shopping and had a three hour baseball meeting.

My back started hurting Sunday night. Like, bring me to my knees pain. I went to Urgent Care, peed in a cup, nothing. He wanted me to go to the ER today, went, peed in a cup, no other tests ordered...nothing. "It's just your back". So, at least now I have some good drugs to help me sleep until it gets better.

I have some backlogged freelance that I really need to get to. The aforementioned drugs that I got at the ER will interfere with me thinking clearly enough to work on that for awhile. I think I will probably take the week of from subbing to focus on writing.

Gratitude for the day:

1. At least my back isn't something more serious. The urgent care doc was throwing out kidney stones, appendicitis, and other lovely ideas. I will take a back ache.
2. The sun is shining.
3. My kids are healthy.
4. More freelance = more $$
5. My mom is getting a handle on her messed up life!!

Friday, February 27, 2009


My list for this morning.

1. It is raining and I don't have to go outside!
2. I exceeded by quota of 20 articles this month.
3. It's Friday!
4. Baseball is starting up.
5. Everyone is healthy.

Happy Friday!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday Already?

Man, this week is flying by! Here is my gratitude list for today.

1. It was above 50 today.
2. I did not have to do bus duty.
3. Pay day is Friday.
4. We got a lower rate on our home equity loan!!
5. I exercised 2 out of the last 3 days...not great, but better than I have been doing!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Where did the weekend go?

Why must our weekends always be so crammed with activity? JM brought it home Sunday when we were planning to head out baseball evaluations and his comment was "Why can we never just stay home on the weekends?" I feel your pain. Baseball evals were nuts, we did 210 kids the first two Saturdays, and then did over 250 yesterday. JC came down with a fever Saturday night, he was a little better yesterday and went to school today. He still has a bit of a headache today, but told him if he couldn't tough it out at school to head to the nurse and give me a call. That will never happen, I don't think he has ever gone to the school nurse.

It proves to be a crazy week with three subbing days and a 4 hour web-conference Friday to start a new 2-month freelance job. I am writing test questions, I hope it isn't too monotonous. Here's hoping it is lucrative and fun to do.

Gratitude for Monday!

1. West Wing is on again...my favorite show and I love that BRAVO runs reruns.
2. It is going to be 50 by Thursday.
3. Two of my sub days are meetings where I bop around to 6-7 different rooms and I don't have to do bus duty!
4. I get paid Friday.
5. I made my own granola yesterday and it is yummo! I will share the recipe at some point.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Gratitude

1. JC had a fever last night, but is feeling a little better.
2. We are done with baseball evals....did over 250 kids today in three hours.
3. I am not subbing tomorrow, so I can finish my articles for the month.
4. We didn't get as much snow as anticipated.
5. The boys are done with their cycle of fighting from earlier and are playing nicely!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Gratitude for Saturday

1. JC had fun at his retreat last night.
2. I am going to exceed my goal of writing 20 goals this month.
3. My new 2 month writing job is set to start on schedule...should be good money.
4. JM has gone three nights without a bad dream...he has mastered positive thinking!
5. There is a fire in the woodburner!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gratitude Thursday

1. JC finished his science project last night.
2. One of my freelance checks came yesterday.
3. I didn't have to pack a lunch this morning.
4. JM hasn't woken up from bad dreams for two nights.
5. Our furnace is working better.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gratitude List

Happy Wednesday!

1. Wednesday is our day to sleep in!
2. The kids are doing homework.
3. It was above freezing today.
4. I came across missing freelance money!! Hopefully it will be in my pocket by the end of the month!
5. My dad has his surgery scheduled.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gratitude List

1. We had fun at the hockey game last night...even though they lost. The boys danced, cheered, and were filmed and shown on the video board dancing!
2. My chiropractor got me in earlier today, making my after school time easier to manage.
3. I finished writing two articles already this morning.
4. I already folded a load of laundry.
5. West Wing is on Bravo...I miss that show!

Here is a pic to share of the boys in the penalty box and Nationwide Arena. They skated on the ice where the players play last week!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Gratitude List

We had gotten the DVD "The Secret" from the library....tried the book, couldn't get it done. DH had been reading it while he waited for the boys to be done with basketball practice, with their crazy schedules he ends up with a 1/2 hour here or there during the week to fill. So, the one thing they suggest is to get up every day and list what you are grateful for. So, I am going to attempt to start there. Many of the "changes" they suggest are more of a challenge, so I'll start small!

Today I am grateful:

1. That my kids are now quiet and reading.
2. I slept 6 hours straight last night.
3. That the hubby forced about 4 loads of laundry through yesterday, so with the one more in the dryer now, we may be caught up for 24 hours.
4. We get to take the boys to a hockey game tonight...for free!
5. I have freelance work to complete....work = money!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Creative Outlet

No you are not seeing things, I am posting twice in a span of three days! I had the day off from subbing and instead of working all day, I decided to work on my scrapbooks. I do a family album for each year, one for each of the boys, and one for Cedar Point. We take so many pics there that it was taking up too much space in my annual album! I also do special albums for our Gundlach vacations and things like first communion.

Today, I worked on the Cedar Point album and thought I would share some pics of some of the recent pages that I did. Nothing fancy since I am behind a bit, I am in power scrapping mode. Just trying to make it look cute and get it done fast! With freelance breathing down my neck, I try not to go over board and spend too much time on any one page! Enjoy!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday Ramblings...

• No news about my dad lately. I THINK they ran their own tests in Cleveland on Friday and I THINK they did exploratory surgery today to see if there was anything they could do for him. One would THINK that since I am his daughter they could return my calls so that I actually KNOW what the heck it going on!

• My mom is finally in a better place. Not sure how long it will last, but for today, I'll take it.

• I have been sick for a week and can not get rid of this cold. It has migrated from my head to my chest and now is affecting my asthma, never a good thing. I am avoiding going to the doctor as long as possible!

• I have been subbing a lot which is good the the bank account, just not good for the aforementioned cold! I was approached to cover a maternity leave for the last month of the school year and decided to take it. It is a rather crazy second grade class, but we'll be fine. I have had them the last three days, and will have them several times before the leave. I'll have them whipped into shape in no time!

• I haven't shared a pic in awhile (because my posting is so erratic!)......so here are a few pics of the boys from December when we went to an Ohio State bball game. They got to go on the floor to shoot lay-ups and then got an autograph from Evan Turner. It was a fun night!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I received a call yesterday that my dad's cancer has booked a return engagement. He had throat cancer about 2 years ago and they thought they got it all in round one. He had extensive surgery, luckily stopping just short of removing his voice box. This time around, he had an ear ache and they went one step further to be sure of the cause.

They did several biopsies and they all came back positive. This is on the other side of the neck and there is concern it is in his lungs. He goes to the Cleveland Clinic tomorrow to see what they can do, if anything. Their initial thought is that any surgery would involve breaking his jaw....not pleasant. Not that being full of cancer will be very pleasant either...they just don't think at this point there is much they can do.

Now, ever since my parents divorced, I have not been as close to my dad. My boys don't know him well, he and his wife do not participate much in the lives on any of their grandkids. I went through a time where I called weekly, sent pictures of the boys, and made sure they saw him. But, they never returned the favor, so I sort of stopped. Although I resent that at times, he is still my dad. He is still the boys' grandfather. This still sucks!

My mom is going through her own hell lately, so I guess it is time to hang on. It's going to be a rough month or so! (Maybe I'll start drinking....yes...START!)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day 2009

The boys were off today for an inservice....because of the cold we had last week, this made 6 days off in a row! The need to go back to school tomorrow! Especially since they had only been in school 1 1/2 weeks since Christmas Break ended.

I am glad they were off today though. I had them sit with me and watch the swearing in of Joe Biden and Barack Obama. I am not a politically charged person and having them watch did not have as much to do with who was being sworn as it did the whole process. Just to witness the transfer of power and the pomp and circumstance of it all. They were amazed at all of the people that were in attendance. JM was shocked President Obama didn't have a coat on. He was not impressed with Aretha Franklin, sharing that he thought those singing on his Guitar Hero game sing much better! LOL! He was concerned at one point in the process, asking "Was there a time during all of this when we didn't have a President?" At least he was thinking! We talked about how President Bush was still President until Mr. Obama was sworn in....that made him feel much better!

They listened to part of his speech, but then lost interest. Overall, a great day to share with them and something I hope they remember in years to come.