JM had his 8th birthday yesterday and celebrated with 4 of his best buds, I so prefer the smaller parties! DH painted a baseball field in the side yard and set up the tetherball with a marked playing area for that too. They played wiffleball, basketball, did the water slide, had a squirt gun battle, and played in our tiny pool! They were busy the entire 2.5 hours! It was a hot and muggy day, so the water fun was perfect. The boys were pretty well behaved and there were no squabbles (outside of the typical "that was a foul ball..no it was fair")
There was a possibility of storms, so I was so glad it held off. I can not believe he is 8 and heading into the 3rd grade. He is just growing up so quickly. We took him to his favorite restaurant Bob Evans for dinner, we had a coupon for a free kid's meal and a gift card...perfect!
Enjoy the pics!